Web build + minor bug fixes!

Hey guys, here's a mini update to coincide with the bigger one.   

Slightly less big news is I fixed two bugs related to the game - namely, an issue where the AUTO button wouldn't appear selected if you clicked it (even though it would be running), and also an issue where the SFX descriptions weren't typed out when you selected that option in the preferences menu.  Whoops!  That should all be good now.  If there's any other issues, let me know.

The other update is that I decided to add a last-minute web build of the game! Now you no longer have to go through the effort of downloading a whole game file, just to play it for five minutes.  Unfortunately, it's not great (Ren'Py is famously not optimized for web), but it's my hope that this will make the game accessible to more people.

That's all!  That's for joining me on this mini-update.

- gert


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